Managing External Applications

There are two ways to manage ExApps:

  1. Using OCC CLI tool

  2. Using the ExApp Management UI


There are several commands to work with ExApps:

  1. Register

  2. Unregister

  3. Update

  4. Enable

  5. Disable

  6. List ExApps

  7. List ExApp users (removed since AppAPI 3.0.0)

  8. List ExApp scopes


Command: app_api:app:register [--force-scopes] [--info-xml INFO-XML] [--json-info JSON-INFO] [--] <appid> <daemon-config-name>

The register command is the first ExApp installation step.


  • appid - unique name of the ExApp (e.g. app_python_skeleton, must be the same as in deployed container)

  • daemon-config-name - unique name of the daemon (e.g. docker_local_sock)


  • --force-scopes [optional] - force scopes approval

  • --json-info JSON-INFO [optional] - ExApp deploy JSON info (json string)

  • --info-xml INFO-XML [optional] - path to info.xml file (url or local absolute path)


Command: app_api:app:unregister [--rm-data] [--force] [--silent] [--] <appid>

To remove an ExApp you can use the unregister command. There are additional options to keep the ExApp persistent storage (data volume).


  • appid - unique name of the ExApp (e.g. app_python_skeleton, must be the same as in deployed container)


  • --rm-data [optional] - remove ExApp persistent storage (data volume)
    • --force [optional] - continue removal even if some error occurs.

    • --silent [optional] - print a minimum of information, display only some errors, if any.


Command: app_api:app:update [--info-xml INFO-XML] [--force-update] [--force-scopes] [-e|--enabled] [--] <appid>

ExApp will be updated if there is a new version available.


  • appid - unique name of the ExApp (e.g. app_python_skeleton, must be the same as in deployed container)


  • --info-xml INFO-XML [optional] - path to info.xml file (url or local absolute path)

  • --force-update [optional] - force ExApp update (do not prompt for confirmation)

  • --force-scopes [optional] - force scopes approval (accept all scopes)

  • -e|--enabled [optional] - enable ExApp after update


Command: app_api:app:enable <appid>


Command: app_api:app:disable <appid>

List ExApps

Command: app_api:app:list

ListExApps command will show all ExApps:

appid (Display Name): version [enabled/disabled]
to_gif_example (To Gif Example): 1.0.0 [enabled]
upscaler_example (Upscaler Example): 1.0.0 [enabled]

Using the ExApp Management UI

ExApps management is similar to default Apps management. To access ExApps management navigate using Admin settings dropdown menu or from AppAPI admin settings section.


ExApps management support only apps from App Store. For manual-install type use CLI ExApps management commands.