

AppAPI ExApps deployment process in short consists of 2 steps:

  1. DaemonConfig registration

  2. ExApp registration

DaemonConfig registration

The first step is to register DaemonConfig, where your ExApps will be deployed. Before that you will need to configure your Docker socket to be accessible by Nextcloud instance and webserver user. In case of remote Docker Engine API, you will need to expose it so it is accessible by Nextcloud instance and import certificates.


For now only Docker daemon accepts-deploy-id: docker-install is supported. For development and manually deployed app in docker there is accepts-deploy-id: manual-install.

This can be done by occ CLI command app_api:daemon:register:

app_api:daemon:register <name> <display-name> <accepts-deploy-id> <protocol> <host> <nextcloud_url> [--net NET] [--haproxy_password PASSWORD] [--]


  • name - unique name of the daemon (e.g. docker_local_sock)

  • display-name - name of the daemon (e.g. My Local Docker, will be displayed in the UI)

  • accepts-deploy-id - type of deployment (docker-install or manual-install)

  • protocol - protocol used to connect to the daemon (http or https)

  • host - host of the daemon (e.g. /var/run/docker.sock or host:port)

  • nextcloud_url - Nextcloud URL, Daemon config required option (e.g. https://nextcloud.local)


  • --net [network-name] - [required] network name to bind docker container to (default: host)

  • --haproxy_password PASSWORD - [optional] password if AppAPI Docker Socket Proxy is used

  • --gpu - [optional] GPU device to expose to the daemon (e.g. /dev/dri)


Common configurations are tested by CI in our repository, see workflows on github.


Example of occ app_api:daemon:register command:

sudo -u www-data php occ app_api:daemon:register docker_local_sock "My Local Docker" docker-install http /var/run/docker.sock "https://nextcloud.local" --net nextcloud

ExApp registration

Second and final step is to deploy and register ExApp in Nextcloud on previously registered daemon. This can be done by occ CLI command app_api:app:register:

app_api:app:register <appid> <daemon-config-name> [--force-scopes] [--]


  • appid - unique name of the ExApp (e.g. app_python_skeleton, must be the same as in deployed container)

  • daemon-config-name - unique name of the daemon (e.g. docker_local_sock)


  • --force-scopes [optional] - force scopes approval

  • --info-xml INFO-XML [optional] - path to info.xml file with ExApp description (url or local absolute path)

  • --json-info JSON-INFO [optional] - JSON with ExApp description


After successful deployment (pull, create and start container), there is a heartbeat check with 90 seconds timeout (will be configurable).

Manual install for development

For development purposes, you can install ExApp manually. There is a manual-install DeployConfig type, which can be used in case of development. For ExApp registration with it you need to provide JSON app info or a path to app XML file.

For all examples and applications we release we usually add manual_install command in it’s makefile for easier development.

php occ app_api:app:register nc_py_api manual_install --json-info \
    "{\"id\":\"nc_py_api\",\"name\":\"nc_py_api\",\"daemon_config_name\":\"manual_install\",\"version\":\"1.0.0\",\"secret\":\"12345\",\"port\":$APP_PORT,\"scopes\":[\"SYSTEM\", \"FILES\", \"FILES_SHARING\", \"USER_INFO\", \"USER_STATUS\", \"NOTIFICATIONS\", \"WEATHER_STATUS\", \"TALK\"],\"system\":1}" \


Deployment/Startup of App should be done by developer when ``manual-install`` DeployConfig type is used.

Deploy env variables

Deploy env variables are used to configure ExApp container. The following env variables are required and built automatically:

  • AA_VERSION - AppAPI version

  • APP_SECRET - generated shared secret used for AppAPI authentication

  • APP_ID - ExApp appid

  • APP_DISPLAY_NAME - ExApp display name

  • APP_VERSION - ExApp version

  • APP_HOST - host ExApp is listening on

  • APP_PORT - port ExApp is listening on (randomly selected by AppAPI)

  • APP_PERSISTENT_STORAGE - path to mounted volume for persistent data storage between ExApp updates

  • NEXTCLOUD_URL - Nextcloud URL to connect to

Application installation scheme

  1. AppAPI deploys the application and launches it.

  2. AppAPI for N seconds (default 90) checks the /heartbeat endpoint with GET request.

  3. AppAPI sends a POST to the /init endpoint.


    if ExApp do not implements /init endpoint and AppAPI receives 501 or 404 status error, AppAPI enables the application by going to point 5.

  4. ExApp sends an integer from 0 to 100 to the OCS endpoint apps/app_api/apps/status indicating the initialization progress. After sending 100, the application is considered initialized.

  5. AppAPI sends a PUT to the /enabled endpoint.

ExApp info.xml schema

ExApp info.xml (example) file is used to describe ExApp params. It is used to generate ExApp docker container and to register ExApp in Nextcloud. It has the same structure as Nextcloud appinfo/info.xml file, but with some additional fields:

        <scopes> // deprecated since AppAPI 3.2.0
        <system>0</system> // deprecated since AppAPI 3.0.0