
AppAPI brings out the following terms frequently used in the code:

  • ExApp (External App) - the app on another (from PHP) programming language, which uses AppAPI OCS API

  • DaemonConfig - configuration of orchestration daemon (e.g. Docker) where ExApps are deployed

  • DeployConfig - additional DaemonConfig options for orchestrator (e.g. network) and ExApps (nextcloud_url, host, etc.)

  • ExAppConfig - similar to Nextcloud app_config, but for ExApps configuration

  • ExAppPreferences - similar to Nextcloud app_preferences, user-specific settings for ExApps

  • AppAPIAuth - AppAPI authentication

  • ExAppScope - granted to ExApp scope group of access to API routes

  • ExAppApiScope - pre-defined scope group of access to list of API routes

  • FileActionsMenu - entry in files actions menu (context menu)